Brian Fairbanks
Raised by wolves near Hartford, Connecticut, Brian
is a filmmaker and writer living in New Orleans, La.
He started out as a film critic and features reporter for the
Hartford Courant, as well as Nerve and AOL.com, and was Gawker's
first investigative reporter while working for The Consumerist. He also has written for Mic, the New York Press, the Guardian, Cinema Thread, Your Tango, Vinyl Me Please and numerous other outlets.
As a junior editor, author's assistant and typist, he worked on books by Hunter S. Thompson, Jack Kerouac and Stephen E. Ambrose.
He wrote and directed the low-budget feature films The Vixens and Black Water, although both remain unreleased due to rights and technical issues.
Email: brian -at- brianfairbanks.com or contact via Twitter @BrianFair first.